
FRIENDS OF CABRERA, INC. (F of C, Inc.) has been created with the specific intent on providing an avenue for charitable giving for the benefit of the Municipality of Cabrera in the Dominican Republic.  The mayor of the Municipality of Cabrera is available to help guide where donations (funds or in-kind) are directed to most effectively assist the community.

However, only the Board of Directors for F of C , Inc. can direct the use of funds, the Advisory Board is only there to help provide additional community input.

The FRIENDS OF CABRERA will augment the efforts of the municipality and other charitable organization, and with the close collaboration of the municipality to help Cabrera achieve a higher standard of living, education and economic development.  All activities undertaken by F of C,Inc. will be conducted within the environs of the Municipality of Cabrera with direct assistance and collaboration by the public offices of the municipality and be to the benefit of the citizens of Cabrera in general.